Yesterday, despite my previous post, Michael and I had appointments to get some of my paperwork taken care of. We went to the wedding office to announce our marriage, get our familienbuch started, and get my name change. We also went to the Bürgerservice to get me registered as living in Germany.. and there were no problems at either office, no hassle, no fuss and no aggravation!
Which makes me wonder about all those horror stories I've heard regarding the paperwork ex-pats seem to run into.. Are we just lucky? Or is it just too early to tell?
We haven't been to the foreign office yet, but (knock wood) hopefully everything will go as smoothly.. that's on next week's agenda.
We also have to go back to the wedding office next week to sign the family book and make my name change official.. and I have to carry around this piece of paper with my passport that says I'm a permanent resident.. but other than that, we haven't had a single problem.. so far.
Keep your fingers crossed!
Yes, I too had heard all of the horror stories, but experienced a smooth transition. I think it has to do with being prepared with all possible papers needed,(for this I owe it all to my Sweetie) and learning in advance the steps which must be taken. Also I think that it is much easier coming from America than say Eastern Europe.
I'm happy for your success and congratulations on your marriage!
Good to hear that everything went smoothly. You must have had all the right paperwork with you. :-)
Just a note: being married to a German citizen doesn't automatically make you a permanent resident. What you have now (or will have after you visit the foreigners' office) is a residence permit or Aufenthaltserlaubnis. This makes you a legal alien in Germany. After about 5 years you'll get your Niederlassungserlaubnis, or permanent residence.
Snooker.. thanks for the congratulations.. we couldn't be happier!
Christina.. I guess I should have said that I'm legally resident in Germany.. I know I'm not a permanent resident yet.. but thanks for info.. even though I can't pronounce either of those words.. yet (hehe)
That's great news that there have been no hitches. I heard it is easier to get an out-of-the-country marriage recognized than to get married in Germany. But I can't be certain if this is true.
Congrats to the newlyweds!
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