Being a relatively new ex-pat, I can't tell you how great it is to have a connection with all you other Americans living in Europe..
I usually grab a cup of something first.. tea or chocolate cappuccino.. and my ever-present breakfast of joghurt and müsli. I always liked eating granola with my joghurt in the US, and müsli isn't that different (although Michael thinks the combination is kinda gross).
Then I like to sit down to the old laptop and read up on the happenings of everyone. It's rapidly becoming a routine.. rather like being addicted to a soap opera or reality TV, or a weird combination of both. I never was one of the soap opera set, and the novelty rapidly wore off of the reality shows.
But blog-reading is different. It is a small window into the real lives of people you come to know and care about through their writing.. The talent of some of you should be recognized with awards, and all of you should be commended for having the courage to put yourselves into cyberspace & giving the rest of us that window.
Your personalities really do bleed through the words, and I often find myself laughing at your humorous turn of phrase, or pleasure at some kindness shown to you in your every day life. Most days I read something that in some way touches my own life, my own experience or my own thoughts on a particular subject.. I hear that 'click' of connection between us.. and I feel like I have found a new friend that I can relate to.
It's both wonderful and thrilling to live in a new country, and be immersed in a wholly different way of life.. I am enjoying myself immensely here!
But I also know that if I want to discuss the merits of southern fried chicken, I can ask Dixie.. if I want to get updates on Theo & Oliver (dubbed my cyber-nephews), I just have to click on Blythe's or Christina's pages (and for her Thai recipes - yummy!).. or if I want to know about pregnancy in Germany.. well, there are several sources for that one; it seems to me that injecting Americans into the German population has the effect of increasing the birth-rate by astounding proportions.. but most recently that topic goes to Christina & Claire..
Then of course, there's the hilarity of JDub (whose got a new tattoo) or Heisse Scheisse (whose cat-butt was the highlight of my day).. and I never tire of reading Eurotrippen or The Big Finn or Mausi or Schokolade or Betsy at Blog Ness Monster (whose 2 boys I also consider cyber-nephews) or that sweet Jelly Donut, who has a new love in her life.. and J at Germany Doesn't Suck, whose taken on the task of organizing our Annual meet-up..
Yes, you all mean a great deal to this ex-pat still adjusting to life in Germany.. and I want to thank all the wonderful people on my blog-list for my daily dose of perspective.. for the insights they share.. the way they touch my heart.. and for the smiles and laughter.. It's a very, very, very good thing!
* Image 'The Grid', provided by Digital Blasphemy - www.digitalblasphemy.com
Awww... thanks! I love reading up on everyone too, just wish I had the time - I'm so behind! I guess at some point Oliver will get on a schedule and I'll have more free time ;-)
Rainer once told me that reading a blog is like reading a memoir, except that you have the opportunity to participate, to comment or ask questions. He said he was surprised that more people don't use that opportunity. I then mentioned that he's only commented once on my blog (when I had the baby) and that I had to talk him through the procedure on the phone from my hospital bed!
Thanks! Theo is happy to have many cyber-aunties and uncles. It's amazing what a diversity of blogs and people are out there.
Thanks for the mention. I love reading expat blogs too and there are many times I say to myself, 'I feel exactly like that!' when I do.
That's lovely. I loved how you compared it to a soap opera! Keep enjoying.
Damn, wish you could have joined us for the ex-pat meet-up!(I'm not officially one... just love 'em all!)
I'd love to have met you!
wow, thanks. are you coming to the dresden meetup?
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