Friday, March 23, 2007

Brainless Blogger

Ok, I stand corrected.

Dixie pointed out to me (kindly) that my ire with congress over the passport situation may be a little misplaced because congress does not control Homeland Security or the U.S. Department of State.

She's right.

The U.S. State Department (which is responsible for passports) is a cabinet-level agency that is part of the executive branch of the U.S. government. It is administered by the Secretary of State, who reports directly to the President.

So now I can lay the blame on Condy Rice and her puppetmaster, GWB. It makes perfect sense to me now.

I have to let congress off the hook for the passports, but they should still be roasting over the pork.


vailian said...

Yesterday the BBC reported Bush's reaction to the House vote on troop withdrawal deadline: A grim-faced President Bush said the vote was an effort to "force me to accept restrictions on our commanders, an artificial timetable for withdrawal and their pet spending projects".
Sort out the mangled grammar there, and you realize that he is basically saying his rather expensive foray into middle Eastern countries to shock, awe, and kill is preferable to building bridges and supporting education and culture in America.

Dixie said...

"I have to let congress off the hook for the passports, but they should still be roasting over the pork."

My head nearly fell off my shoulders from nodding so much in agreement with you!

Not everyone in Washington is worthless but I'm afraid too many are.