You are about to witness the birth of my first rant on this blog. Enjoy.
This week I read a news article that just bent me out of shape for no other reason than the fact that it demonstrates the
stupid factor of the U.S. Government. Wasn't it last
YEAR that Congress decided to require passports for all U.S. citizens to gain re-entry from foreign lands, including the ones that are attached to North America (i.e. Mexico & Canada)? Didn't they realize when they announced this that there would be an influx of people trying to obtain passports? It's called
PLANNING people!
I mean really! Now passport offices across the nation are backed up with applications, and it is taking
10 weeks instead of six to get the damned thing. And it's taking
4 weeks instead of two to get it expedited
(but of course, they're still charging the same price!). Thank goodness I don't have to worry about this.. but the ones that do are lining up out the door and around the block to make sure they get theirs before the plane leaves. And I do mean literally!
What kind of asinine congressional body planned this? Did they think they wouldn't have a
zillion more applications? Did they not think to hire more people to handle the overload? Apparently not. The passport offices say they will employ more processors by August.
August?! WTF? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that
AFTER summer vacation? They call that a solution? Wouldn't it have just been easier all around to
THINK in the first place? Oh, I forgot. We're talking about the
American government..
Some people have been planning for months (or years!) for their Canadian dream vacation, only to be told
NOW that they may lose their deposit.. or their trip all together.. And do you think the U.S. government is going to issue refunds? The very thought evokes peals of laughter. Good luck with that one.
Like I said, there is a
stupid factor here.
Or maybe not.. because while I was getting mad for my fellow Americans over
this article, another crazy vision came within view.. Do you know how much Congress spent on pork last year? Do you? A whopping
$13 Billion dollars! That's right.
$13 BILLION. And for those of you that don't know what
'pork barrel spending' is, let me enlighten you.
Pork barrel spending is a term used by U.S. politicians to hide the
bribes they take to line their own pockets.. What they do is insert unnecessary
(and costly!) projects into legislation to win favor with the highest paying
lobbyist they can find! In return, the lobbyist gets their funding, no matter what crazy-ass project it is. The congressman gets paid by the lobbyist, and supposedly uses it to finance the re-election campaign. Only they use
our tax dollars to fund the projects! It's a time-honored Washington tradition.. The fact that we Americans let them get away with it is incredible.
So who really has the
stupid factor? Could it be us?
Could it? Our
(elected) officials have pocketed all this money behind our backs, while a great number of us wait in line to get a passport we were supposed to receive
4 weeks ago! Because no one had the bright idea or the
common sense to hire more people to handle all the extra applications that they
KNEW were coming in the first place!
And the plane leaves in two hours..
I feel bad for the people that are going to miss it. But I predict the private jets of our congressional leaders will still be flying.. they won't miss
their vacations.
Guaranteed.My buttons have really been pushed in the last few days by
financial rape and
brainless government! I've come to the conclusion
(what I've always known anyway) that if America would just make me
Queen, I could fix a lot of things.
You know I'd have to be Queen ~ I'm not crooked enough to be a politician.. And how was
your week?

P.S. If you want to know more about where your tax dollars
are really going, click this link
http://www.akdart.com/pork.htmlIt's enlightening. But it will make you mad.
Also guaranteed.